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Co{de}+Create is offering free basic ICT skills courses

If you are over 18+ years old and you would like to gain some basic knowledge in computers, then this course is for you! Co{de}+Create will help you take your skills to the next level. See details below.

WHO: Ages 18+ can apply. A basic understanding of English is required, since all courses will be in English.

WHEN: Two evenings a week (weekdays) for 3 hours each day and a 4 hours lab, for 8 weeks, from May to July 2019.

WHAT: Free basic ICT courses using open source software.

WHERE: The workshops will take place in Athens in the GFOSS OpenLab at the Municipal Market of Kypseli.

WHY: Digital literacy is a critical skill for the 21st century. We want to introduce you to computer skills that will help you advance in your future and your career. Everyone deserves a chance to learn new skills, so these courses are open to Greek students and newcomers to Greece.

Free public transportation tickets will be provided for all participants. Participants will also receive a certificate after successfully completing the 2 month course. Free access to the lab will also be provided twice a week for practice and experimentation.

Space is limited so If you are interested, apply now at:

Selected participants will be contacted by email and/or phone.

More information on the content of the course:  During the course, students will become familiar with basic computer skills. They will learn how to use a computer and browse on the internet, how to create an email account and how to build a cv. They will also become familiar with office automation tools (text editors, spreadsheets etc).

Full description of code+create. All calls of code+create.

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