If you are between 18-30 years old, you are unemployed or a migrant/refugee, you are looking for a new career path and have basic knowledge of coding, then this web design course is for you! Co{de}+Create will help you take your skills to the next level and give a chance to meet and work with people from different countries! See details below.

WHO: Unemployed Greeks and migrant/refugees between the ages 18-30 can apply. Basic computer knowledge and understanding of English is required, since all courses will be in English.
WHEN: Three times a week (weekdays) for 3 hours each day for 3 months (October – December 2020).
WHAT: Free advanced Web design courses using open source software
WHERE: The workshops will take place online.
WHY: Digital literacy is a critical skill for the 21st century and especially today where remote working has become essential. We want to help you develop your computer skills in Web Design in order to advance in your future and your career. Everyone deserves a chance to learn new skills, so these courses are open to Greeks and refugees/migrants that live in Greece.
Participants will receive a certificate after successfully completing the 3-month course and will be able to apply for a paid internship.
Space is limited so If you are interested, apply now at: https://ellak.gr/code-create-registration-form/
Selected participants will be contacted by email and/or phone.
More information about the content of the course: During the course, students will become familiar with the usage of Web tools such as source code editors and node.js, which let developers use JavaScript to produce dynamic web page content. They will also learn to use Git and Github as Version Control Systems to track changes in computer files and coordinate work on those files among multiple people, through a Web server which they will be using throughout the course.
Next, they will advance their HTML- CSS knowledge by working with a very powerful tool for acquiring new and modern skills, the Bootstrap framework, to build a modern and mobile-responsive website. Bootstrap is a free front-end framework for faster and easier web development. Bootstrap also gives the ability to build responsive, mobile-first projects.
Bootstrap includes HTML- and CSS-based design templates as well as optional JavaScript plugins. JavaScript is the most popular language among web developers. They will also explore and understand the p5.js JavaScript library which makes coding accessible for artists, scientists, designers and educators. Students will also learn the Angular framework and get familiarized with WordPress which will enable them to create Single Page Applications for Web and Mobile Web applications.
The goal for students who participate in this course, after they successfully complete it, is to be able to develop Web applications, or applications that are run over HTTP from a web server to a web browser, and combine many different skills and disciplines in the production and maintenance of websites. They will learn important and up-to-date tools that every web developer-designer has to know!
Co{de} + Create is implemented in partnership between GFOSS and IOCC and Apostoli.
how much does it cost?
Do I get the certification for free?
Where can I apply for the paid internship? Only in Athens?
The courses are offered for free and you will get the certification for free when you succesfully complete the course. The inernships that will be offered may not be limited only in Athens.
Hello, I missed this mail, can I register now for the Co{de}+Create 3 months course?
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Will these courses happen again anytime soon?